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We are a wellness center

We offer iv infusions and injections which replenish essential nutrients quickly.

Renew iv offers iv infusions and injections which replenish essential nutrients quickly.
All infusions and injections are administered by state-licensed registered nurses and overseen by our Medical Director,
Dr. Daniel La Perriere, a board certified MD.

Our sister company, Renew Movement™, is a fast, effective, and progressive approach to bodywork.
We work quickly to alleviate pain, immobility, and tension so you can get back to doing the things you love.
Our method of pinning and stretching will give you 3x the results in half the time.

Give us 45 minutes and we’ll give you results.

For more information about Renew Movement™, please visit our website.

Local community support

Renew Movement™ gives to local causes such as Children’s Alley. We also volunteer, support area businesses, and
offer professional development opportunities and mentoring. We care for you and for the community.