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How do ivs and shots work?

iv nutrients bypass your GI system and are delivered directly to your bloodstream. This allows higher concentrations of these nutrients to be utilized by your body.

Who administers the ivs and/or shots?

Our team is comprised of state-licensed Registered Nurses with years of experience in iv insertion, injection administration and monitoring infusions.

When can I come in for an iv or shot?

Typically, you can get an iv or shot during our normal operating hours.

How often should I get an iv?

We recommend iv therapy when suffering dehydration or altitude sickness, during illness, before travel, around major athletic events, and according to your wellness needs, goals and lifestyle. To maximize wellness benefits, we recommend a regular membership (monthly). 

How do I prepare for my iv?

Prepare beforehand by eating a snack. Wear comfortable clothing if you’d like to relax during your iv.

Do you take insurance?

We do not take insurance.

Do you offer concierge/in-home services?

Yes. Please call us for details on setting up iv or IM (intramuscular shots) services at your home, office or other location. We offer discounts if multiple ivs are being administered at one location.

Do you do testing/recommendations for ivs or customize ivs beyond your menu?

If you’d like specific recommendations for iv protocols we will connect you with our medical director for testing analysis and specific nutraceutical recommendations. Our nurses and team members do not give medical advice. 

Are the solutions vegan/vegetarian?

Yes, both IMs and ivs are 100% vegan and vegetarian

What are the vitamins/minerals in each bag?

The contents of each bag are listed in the online check out area where you chose your appt service.

Is this right for me?

iv therapy is very successful for almost anyone, but if you are taking medications or have any hesitations, you’ll want to consult your medical provider. 

What are the primary benefits of iv therapy?

iv therapy quickly rehydrates you and replenishes needed vitamins and minerals in your body. While oral vitamins only absorb 25-30% in a healthy gut, iv therapy bypasses the gut entirely — going directly into your bloodstream for better absorption. The solutions in the ivs help reduce oxidative stress and combat environmental pollutants we face in our daily lives. 

If you have additional questions, please call us at 303.467.3639.